These are plays directed by Tara Varney that I recorded and edited for the Kansas City Academy.
"Wonderland" workshop recorded December 1, 2023
"Puffs" recorded April 28-30, 2023
"The Alibis" recorded November 11-12, 2022
"Present Tense" recorded October 23-25, 2021
"Tartuffe" recorded on Zoom, Spring 2021
"Parts of Speech" recorded Fall 2020
"Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr." recorded November 21-22, 2019
"I Have Considered the Lilies" from "Night of the Student Playwrights 2019"
"Days on the Bus" from "Night of the Student Playwrights 2019"
"The Other Hand" from "Night of the Student Playwrights 2019"
"Open Floor Plan" from "Night of the Student Playwrights 2019"
"The World is Ending" from "Night of the Student Playwrights 2019"
"Raging Bull" from "Night of the Student Playwrights 2019"
"Fools" recorded December 6-7, 2018
"Over the River and Through the Woods" recorded December 8, 2017
"Almost Maine" recorded December 2016
"Eleemosynary" recorded April 2016
"Virtual Reality" recorded April 2016